Monday, August 22, 2011

Did you hear it this morning at sunrise? That soft whisper that is Autumn's song drifted alongside summer's rainfall and began to show herself in the quietest of ways. A hint of gold upon a leaf, a lone goose making her way elsewhere, a dimmer morning and earlier twilight....say it isn't so! We have a wish to bask in August sun awhile longer and desire to stand surfside still melting summer feet into warm sand. No worries...while August is sunflower yellow and crayon green ; September comes in upon a silken carpet of muted golds and singed sienna that soothes and softens.
sending peace.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Misty, sultry August mornings are among my I was out early to check on the progress of drying my first garlic crop laid out on the screen porch. First thought..smells just like a NY pizza parlor! Deep inhale. All spring and summer I waited impatient for the brown stalks to tip- toe upward signaling harvest ready bulbs. Buried and tucked away under layered straw, tiny crescent shoots slept thru frosty nights and hibernated beneath many layered quilts of snow. I'll save a few purple blush bulbs to plant come November. I became distracted, however, by several bees intent on the opening blooms of a Rose of Sharon bush. Bumble bees drunk and gilded with dusty pollen, wings and bodies drenched in yellow- white dust. Working in the moment as if in rapture, not about to waste one grain for the hive, they remained until all was complete.
sending peace.