Friday, September 23, 2011

autumn notes

Morning was steeped in mist and damp, the earthy scent of mushrooms and clouds of feisty mosquitos erupted. Colorful garden snakes serpentine across pavement, most without success. Perhaps the echoes of storm and flood days from last month? Today marks the ceremonial beginning of autumn curiously void of scarlet leaves and carpets of pine cone. Hydrangeas fade into antique bouquets right on stem and turkey broods strut down driveways and circle mailboxes without trepidation.
Ancient peoples and current day farmers begin the task of sorting seeds this time of year. Spending moments noting which ones were indeed fruitful, which ones lacked energy, choosing which seeds to continue to cultivate as they look ahead to next years crop and field. Reminds me that I might do the same....taking notice of what seemed to flourish and replanting what feels true. Sometimes seeds take a bit of extra time and care in order to be bountiful; need to remember that as well.
sending peace.