Friday, July 31, 2009
Gallery Exhibit!
Here are a few photos of this morning's gallery set-up at red river theatres in concord NH.
There will be a reception on august 20th and I will happily be there to greet visitors and patrons; I am grateful to the curator, allyson, for her help and to my "installation team" for their swift and seamless set-up. As long as we listen to jessie; stuff gets done!!!!
Check out the website for more info..
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I picked the last of this years lettuce right before the rain started again today...lots of spiders made homes in the flowerpots and herbs. Their webs remain undisturbed even by the storms.
I love this time in summer when farm stands and gardens are bright and bountiful; deep purple beets and emerald green chard sit along side tiny magenta radishes and midnight hued blackberries. White peaches and raspberries blush in the markets. Lillies pose roadside, all shades of red and yellow and orange.
Seems like all of nature conspires to be abundant, inviting and fruitful right about now.
I need to remember this when winter blows in, harsh and icy. Someone remind me mid-january.....
sending peace.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Invitation and updates
The Red River Theatres in concord, NH has invited me to exhibit/showcase my art work in their gallery for the month of August. I am thrilled for this opportunity and commend this community- supportive venue for making the space available to NH artists year round. The diversity of work showcased throughout the year is amazing and affirming so please do visit if you are in the area! My work is, as you may have seen on this blog, is nature inspired photography art. In addition, we'll be offering brand new journals that are being printed as I write this.
Yoga/meditation classes continue in bedford NH at Living Light Studios and I am honored to co-teach with the gifted donna nichols as we offer all levels of Reiki training.
Did I mention that I love my work? All of it, truly, feels like an abundance of blessings.
sending peace.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
lunar eclipse 10:35
Tonite's lunar eclipse is set to be powerful on many levels...energetically it allows for shadow to come forward and show its full self; but only for a brief time.
Light returns in all its glory and fills the dark spaces. It's a time of illumination personally and globally. The moon provides a gentle and profound display of moving through darkness with staggering grace.
Acknowledgement of our own shadow creates self acceptance and empowerment...what you might see in yourself as a weakness could be viewed as a gift by others. Your quiet shyness can be perceived as humble and thoughtful or perhaps your daydreaming ways might be admired as introspective and creative.
Chinese scientists will attempt to prove that gravity itself lessens during a lunar eclipse...that the actual pull of the earth releases us just a bit for a few seconds during the process. I love that theory!
Will seismic calculations confirm and record it? How wonderful to think that the Universe provides us a chance to "let loose" and let go!!
Sending peace.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
view from above
Set out yesterday for the daily walk,,,we have met early each morning for many years and often we enjoy the quiet and have no need to speak for the first few minutes as we start the day with one foot in front of the other, one step at a time.
A whoosing sound , so clear, seemed to disturb the morning silence; we looked to find the source.
Rising above the neighborhood pines was a striped hot air moved seamless and slow barely skimming the treetops and heading toward the mist and clouds. We stood in awe; waving to the travelers who stood in the balloon basket, we found ourselves grinning with them at the adventure ahead.
What must we look like from their vantage point?? Sleepy eyed women and a dog whose morning just became even brighter. Reminds me of how much I love the possibilties that arise every day...
sending peace.
Monday, July 6, 2009
New Moon
New moon waxing ...tomorrow nite the "Thunder Moon" is at its fullest and with it comes new prospects, new opportunity and mid-summer celebration.
I am excited to be teaching the new session of gentlest yoga/guided meditation classes at Living Light Studios. The space there is healing and welcoming. I am reminded by my students of how much I learn from each one of them...I have a returning student with many physical limitations who is always, always the one who brings spontaneous laughter to class..her fortitude is admirable and I feel honored to witness her yoga practice unfold.
The past two days have been summer at its finest!!! Reminds me of chasing lightening bugs as they lit up our july dad would sit on the front "stoop" and watch us follow them around, jars and lids in hand.
sending peace.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
turtle wisdom
The first sunny day in july and everyone in NH is working out in the garden...overrun with weeds and slugs; time to make room for new blooms and growth. In the midst of deadheading geraniums and cutting back beetle- eaten lilies, a visitor lumbers in the still-wet grass.
Turtle arrives, moving deliberately under the shade of the birch trees; unphased by the rumble of the lawn mower, she meanders and shows herself.
So patient she is with my fascination...her obsidian head streaked with white and her copper penny underbelly bright in the sunlight. She stills herself as I turn her over, carry her around till I find the perfect spot to release her. Near the edge of the woods and moving toward the stream, I hope she finds her way to the shade of Montauk daisies and yellow straw flowers.
"Turtle Wisdom" reminds us to be both tenacious and patient. She shares her self-reliance and encourages the creation of boundaries and the respect of others boundaries as well. Turtle teaches us the art of navigation in its truest form.
sending peace.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Welcome to the Compass Rose Blog!
With the assistance of one of my talented sons, I am entering the realm of blogging!
I 'll try and view this as an opportunity to share my experiences and offerings as well as learn as I go...Compass Rose Healing Arts grew from the intention of creating direction and space for wellness, whether it be thru Reiki, Shamanic work,meditation, poetry or art. I look forward to seeing what grows and develops from here.
sending peace
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