Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The wind has felt like glass shards with the weight of yesterdays' cold; hurling insults at trees as it snaps and shatters in sound and feel, stealing breath and body heat like a thief. Backyard ponds beckon brave skaters; blades shave and scrape ice that feels solid and thick underfoot.
Fireplaces stay lit and oil burners rattle and cough round the clock.
Even the winter birds have stayed hidden with heads tucked under wings, forgoing feeders. No seeds or suet can lure them for more than a quick moment.
And so they wait...and watch a december moon hang heavy looking like a rice paper cut-out that just might tear in the angry wind.
New yoga session begins next week as does the introduction this month of a guided meditation program at Derry Oncology. It is another way to create a place for transformation for patients there and I look forward to seeing how it takes shape.
May this new year find you warm and well, surrounded by family and filled with contentment.
sending peace.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Greek legend tells of how the amaryllis flower came to be...the Oracle of Delphi gifted his wisdom to an innocent goddess in pursuit of her true love. She was to arrive at his doorstep for thirty nights dressed in all white and gently extract a tiny drop of blood from her beloved. On the last evening (perhaps the night of winter solstice) she arrived in brilliant red, transformed by her love for him. The wisdom of this bloom symbolizes persistence and patience and of course, the beauty of profound love.
Each year, at the onset of winter, I begin my staggered planting of amaryllis bulbs in an attempt to have them bloom in sequence. How orderly and so very organized, right? I like to have one blooming on my sister's birthday as a celebration of her spirit. Still, year after year they make their way through the dark brown soil in their own time, on Nature's schedule not mine.
Some bulbs are anxious and sprout immediately and others, late bloomers to be sure, only begin to rise up green after many days or even weeks. Waiting patiently for just enough sunshine and water, they remain unhurried. Some contain one enormous blossom; big and bold and impossible to ignore...they trumpet their own arrival. Others hold several blossoms, blooming back to back and petal to petal. Occasionally, certain bulbs seem content with their own greenery; no striped pink or scarlet blooms at all; just a tall emerald stem with a silent bud flanked by leaves.
May this holiday season bring you much joy and contentment. These last few days of december find me encouraged by the quiet quilt of new snow and early darkness that prevails...the time for taking stock of last years events will soon make way for more sunlight...
sending peace

Friday, December 11, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

december events

I am convinced that I witnessed the very last formation of snow geese as they left for warmer skies last week...last ones to leave the party, I guess. Maybe they were reluctant due to balmy days and the the lemon-hued full moon; perhaps the newly donned strands of holiday lights made it hard to exit. No one told them it was december....
Just in time, they fell into place and flew.
Just before the first powdery snowfall and brittle wind began to lift birch bark from the trees; white strips in the woods waving small flags of surrender to winter's approach. Pine boughs begin to bow down, too. Autumn's last leaves disappeared under vanilla frosting till april.
Point taken, honked the snow geese as they drifted together toward southern sun.
sending peace.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Copyright 2009 compass rose healing arts/constance price
Daybreak found us walking while a thumbnail moon shared the morning sky with the sun. The air was quiet, brisk and smelled of wood stove and pine needles. An orange fox stepped in our path, surprising us into silence and halting our stride. All flame and soot and marble eyes, he stood for a few moments staring at us before swiftly heading to his backyard den for daytime rest. He showed himself as sleek, agile and compact in his movement. A flash of fire moving back to cover of ordinary visitor, Fox is honored by the Hopi and Cherokee as a keeper of healing medicine. Apache legend speaks of Fox bearing the gift of first fire to people. He reminds us to listen keenly and honor silence and solitude.
This new moon has brought much to Light; meteor showers that dazzle and dance and nighttime animals showing themselves for the briefest moments.
New moons are a good time for new endeavors...a brand new intermediate yoga/meditation class begins soon at Living Light studio in addition to the gentle yoga classes held on tuesdays and thursdays. The new version of Flower Journals are available in time for the holidays as are notecards and canvasses. The Compass Rose website is underway and I hope to have it up and running by mid january. Lots to do before then!
Donna and I will be teaching level One Reiki training in january as well as offering Chakra Class on january 24.
Much to be thankful, friends, work and abundance.
Can't wait to see what else the new november moon will bring!
sending peace.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

copyrighted to compass rose healing arts/constance price

enter november

Seems like November rolls in wrapped in cashmere...steamship grey and dusky shale clouds dance around the sun and soften it, shifting the light at teatime. Afternoon arrives and then too soon disappears into night. One of my yoga students expressed her love of daylight saving time...she felt the early twilight brought families hearth side and tucked in close to home. Nice thought. Comfort. Respite. All the things we seek to ward of the chill outside.
This season begins the time of rest for Nature, even as we scurry and scamper toward the holidays. Crows still banter only with quieter voice and hawks fly closer to the treetops. My favorite owl still shows himself in the backyard woods...he watches over with wise eyes and  a tilted head. Sometimes he preens and poses, with silver white wings outstretched before he retreats back into his feathered self.
sending peace.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I came across a bag of buttons this morning; mismatched and imperfect, they rattled against each other and felt heavy and familiar in my hand. My grandmother, long gone and my mother, long missed, both sorted through them when mending and tending as women would do. They were a source of quiet solitude for me as a child, daydreaming and on circle, plastic and mother-of pearl, shiny brass and bright enamel.
Women leave their legacies in the simplest of ways; worn out recipe cards, beaded evening bags that hold old satin evening gloves, tarnished knitting needles, bags of buttons. Generations of daughters are the keepers of these memories and the feelings that they invoke on sunny october mornings after a night of rainfall. 
Simple gifts and stories and remnants of beautiful lives all found here in this old bag of buttons... 

Monday, October 12, 2009

first frost

All the colors of autumn foliage had a silver glaze this morning...the first real frost shimmered with the sunrise, brightening the dropped pine needles, crimson berries and buttery leaves. The air felt cleaner and cleared out somehow; chimneys released dancing wisps of woodstove smoke into the bluest sky.
We had the chance to offer Reiki at the Birch Heights Community Holistic Health Fair this weekend to many residents and friends. It was a joyful day that began with the generous and breathtaking offerings of cello and harp from the Cheng family whose musical gifts are awe-inspiring and glorious. My first client of the day, "B," was a 96 year old dynamic and wise woman who gifted me with sage and simple teachings. As a Reiki practitioner, I am afforded the chance to witness true grace and "B" was a great reminder of just that. She is a strong and powerful spirit and she spoke to me about transcending her body during her affirmation of "the wisdom of the grandmothers." Each client brought humor, openness and energy and we are happy to have had the opportunity to share the day with them all.
I just finished reading Sue Monk Kidd's collaborative book, "Traveling with Pomegranates" and I'd recommend it to all mothers of adult daughters as it examines without judgement the deep ties that bind. Moving and enlightening, truly.
sending peace.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September endings

The moon is waxing toward october and the full, harvest one seems quite ready to release summer. A few faded and stubborn hydrangeas persist amidst the honey leaves and chrysthamum displays . The air smells of fresh cider and chimney smoke and just-cut haystalks. Bees in a hurry draw out nectar for the onset of colder nights and darker mornings.

Yoga classes move into new session, new students arrived and patient yoginis return as well bringing in great energy to the studio.
We'll have an opportunity to share Reiki at the Birch Heights Residences in Derry on october 10th. Many practitioners will be there to encourage wellness, health and balance for residents and members of the local communities.

There is much transition present; clearing space and making room seems to be the theme of many whether is home, nature or work related. I had the chance to watch a master gardener at the Longwood Gardens as she dutifully cleared out and cut back waterlilies in the estate's water garden. She was focused and quietly precise in her hip-waders, gently moving through her trimming task while perfect pink, yellow and indigo waterlilies floated around her. Enormous tray-like leaves carried the summer cuttings as she went about her work. The reflections of the blossoms were almost more beautiful than the lilies themselves. 
sending peace.

Photography images copyrighted 2009 constance price/compass rose healing arts

Monday, September 7, 2009

copyright 2009 compass rose healing arts/constance price photography
I just finished reading an article from the Moores Cancer Center in San Diego that speaks to therapies/modalities that complement cancer treatment. I am encouraged by the support and acknowledgement of this medical community for Reiki, Qigong, Art Therapy, Yoga for their patients as part of their journeys. The "mind/body/spirit" connection is undeniable and I see the value of integrating all methods of healing when we provide Reiki for oncology patients and their families. I was particularly fascinated and affirmed by the information that stated, "Art, prayer, meditation and healing appear to originate from the same body source and display similar brain wave patterns." Think of the wondrous and infinite ramifications!! I have read this over and over and it validates what we know to be true as human beings. When we create space for wellness through any number of modalities, we empower ourselves and allow for our healing to occur on many levels.  It appears to be an organic process that we need to make time for, provide for and be open and aware of. The community of holistic practitioners and providers can truly be an integral part of this path of mind and body wellness. 
sending peace.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

copyright 2009 compass rose healing arts/constance price photography
This morning I baked an apple cake from this season's first crop to ease my over-zealous mind. The repetitive task of peeling and dicing guided me to a calmer and more centered place. The apples were tart but sweetened and softened during baking making for a comforting scent in the house and melting crumb with a hint of spice. It got me thinking of how sometimes sharpness and bitterness can fade and sweeten over time...I am holding that thought close as I stumble through the changes, so very bittersweet and wonderful that this season brings. 
All the comings and goings, moving forwards and sidestepping will fade over time, too. I wait for the sweetness and sigh to arrive...they'll find their way on the winds of autumn, I just know it.
sending peace.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

prayer flags

Photo courtesy of tyler price
copyright 2009 compass rose/constance price photography

august 26

The buzz in the home hive has kept me from blogging this past week or takes me awhile to process and then process some more all the changes and new ventures/adventure that show up. Transitions can be difficult; good or bad, expected or unexpected, planned or spontaneous, they require reflection and patience on my part. I'll attempt to practice both and see where that takes me.
New topic...
I'd like to address an article I read in Conde Naste Traveler Magazine that misrepresented Reiki and several other modalities in a dismissive and condescending manner. The publication physician on staff felt strongly that he should "de-bunk" the myth and value of Reiki yet unfortunately, his sources of information were clearly incorrect and invalid. While I encourage and welcome dialogue regarding complementary therapies, it seems irresponsible for a world-wide publication to misinform its readers. Let's speak openly and truthfully with valid information and experience and allow people to make informed choices about their own self-care. 
Last topic before I go....
I had a chance to read two very different and very interesting books this summer; maybe read them and share your thoughts if you are so inclined..
"The Shamanic Way of the Bee" by Simon Buxton (not sure if its fiction or non-fiction, you decide)
"The Crowning Glory 0f CallaLilly Ponder" by Rebecca Wells (the prolouge is written so beautifully that I hesitated reading the rest for fear of dissappointment!)
sending peace.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

This first week of August arrived amidst a flurry of activity and session of yoga/meditation classes has begun at Living Light Studios and, last weekend, Reiki training for Master level was joyful and enlightening. The students who find their way to our classes are always a gift; thoughtful and brimming with new insight and perspective. We bond as  "perpetual students" and remember together the simplicity and value of Reiki healing.
If you are in the southern NH area, you are aware of the important work provided for the past 20 years by the Sonshine Soup Kitchen in derry. They offer many, many meals to guests in need along with creating a place of integrity and boundless generosity. Check out their website,  to see what's new and needed for this organization. Good people doing good work....
A friend told me when I turned 50 to "try and do one thing each week that scares or challenges you." Sage advice that has remained with me for some time. I have tried to raise my children to live fearlessly and to still be smart when they leap. As they all move onto new places and stages in their lives, I think they might all being doing just is humbling to be their mother and witness. 
On a different note entirely, see the film, Food, Inc. if you have the opportunity...its a reminder of our responsibility to all the residents of this Earth, and that we can be empowered by our knowledge. Our food source, the true source, might be a good place to start.
sending peace

Friday, July 31, 2009

Gallery Exhibit!

Here are a few photos of this morning's gallery set-up at red river theatres in concord NH.
There will be a reception on august 20th and I will happily be there to greet visitors and patrons; I am grateful to the curator, allyson, for her help and to my "installation team" for their swift and seamless set-up. As long as we listen to jessie; stuff gets done!!!!
Check out the website for more info..

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

photography copryrighted to contance price/compass rose healing arts
I picked the last of this years lettuce right before the rain started again today...lots of spiders made homes in the flowerpots and herbs. Their webs remain undisturbed even by the storms.
I love this time in summer when farm stands and gardens are bright and bountiful; deep purple beets and emerald green chard sit along side tiny magenta radishes and midnight hued blackberries.  White peaches and raspberries blush in the markets. Lillies pose roadside, all shades of red and yellow and orange.
Seems like all of nature conspires to be abundant, inviting and fruitful right about now. 
I need to remember this when winter blows in, harsh and icy. Someone remind me mid-january.....
sending peace.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

All photography copyrighted for constance price/compass rose healing arts

Invitation and updates

The Red River Theatres in concord, NH has invited me to exhibit/showcase my art work in their gallery for the month of August. I am thrilled for this opportunity and commend this community- supportive venue for making the space available to NH artists year round. The diversity of work showcased throughout the year is amazing and affirming so please do visit if you are in the area! My work is, as you may have seen on this blog, is nature inspired photography art. In addition, we'll be offering brand new journals that are being printed as I write this. 
Yoga/meditation classes continue in bedford NH at Living Light Studios and I am honored to   co-teach with the gifted donna nichols as we offer all levels of Reiki training.
Did I mention that I love my work? All of it, truly, feels like an abundance of blessings.
sending peace.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

All photographs are copyrighted by constance price /compass rose healing arts 2009

lunar eclipse 10:35

Tonite's lunar eclipse is set to be powerful on many levels...energetically it allows for shadow to come forward and show its full self; but only for a brief time.
Light returns in all its glory and fills the dark spaces. It's a time of illumination personally and globally. The moon provides a gentle and profound display of moving through darkness with staggering grace.
Acknowledgement of our own shadow creates self acceptance and empowerment...what you might see in yourself as a weakness could be viewed as a gift by others. Your quiet shyness can be perceived as humble and thoughtful or perhaps your daydreaming ways might be admired as introspective and creative.  
Chinese scientists will attempt to prove that gravity itself lessens during a lunar eclipse...that the actual pull of the earth releases us just a bit for a few seconds during the process. I love that theory!
Will seismic calculations confirm and record it? How wonderful to think that the Universe provides us a chance to "let loose" and let go!!
Sending peace.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

view from above

Set out yesterday for the daily walk,,,we have met early each morning for many years and often we enjoy the quiet and have no need to speak for the first few minutes as we start the day with one foot in front of the other, one step at a time. 
A whoosing sound , so clear, seemed to disturb the morning silence; we looked to find the source.
Rising above the neighborhood pines was a striped hot air moved seamless and slow barely skimming the treetops and heading toward the mist and clouds. We stood in awe; waving to the travelers who stood in the balloon basket, we found ourselves grinning with them at the adventure ahead.
What must we look like from their vantage point?? Sleepy eyed women and a dog whose morning just became even brighter. Reminds me of how much I love the possibilties that arise every day...
sending peace.

Monday, July 6, 2009

New Moon

New moon waxing ...tomorrow nite the "Thunder Moon" is at its fullest and with it comes new prospects, new opportunity and mid-summer celebration. 
I am excited to be teaching the new session of gentlest yoga/guided meditation classes at Living Light Studios. The space there is healing and welcoming. I am reminded by my students of how much I learn from each one of them...I have a returning student with many physical limitations who is always, always the one who brings spontaneous laughter to class..her fortitude is admirable and I feel honored to witness her yoga practice unfold.
The past two days have been summer at its finest!!! Reminds me of chasing lightening bugs as they lit up our july dad would sit on the front "stoop" and watch us follow them around, jars and lids in hand.
sending peace.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

turtle wisdom

The first sunny day in july and everyone in NH is working out in the garden...overrun with weeds and slugs; time to make room for new blooms and growth. In the midst of deadheading geraniums and cutting back beetle- eaten lilies, a visitor lumbers in the still-wet grass. 
Turtle arrives, moving deliberately under the shade of the birch trees; unphased by the rumble of the lawn mower, she meanders and shows herself.
So patient she is with my fascination...her obsidian head streaked with white and her copper penny underbelly bright in the sunlight. She stills herself as I turn her over, carry her around till I find the perfect spot to release her. Near the edge of the woods and moving toward the stream, I hope she finds her way to the shade of Montauk daisies and yellow straw flowers.
"Turtle Wisdom" reminds us to be both tenacious and patient. She shares her self-reliance and encourages the creation of boundaries and the respect of others boundaries as well. Turtle teaches us the art of navigation in its truest form. 
sending peace.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Welcome to the Compass Rose Blog!

With the assistance of one of my talented sons, I am entering the realm of blogging!
I 'll try and view this as an opportunity to share my experiences and offerings as well as learn as I go...Compass Rose Healing Arts grew from the intention of creating direction and space for wellness, whether it be thru Reiki, Shamanic work,meditation, poetry or art. I look forward to seeing what grows and develops from here.
sending peace