Saturday, August 29, 2009

copyright 2009 compass rose healing arts/constance price photography
This morning I baked an apple cake from this season's first crop to ease my over-zealous mind. The repetitive task of peeling and dicing guided me to a calmer and more centered place. The apples were tart but sweetened and softened during baking making for a comforting scent in the house and melting crumb with a hint of spice. It got me thinking of how sometimes sharpness and bitterness can fade and sweeten over time...I am holding that thought close as I stumble through the changes, so very bittersweet and wonderful that this season brings. 
All the comings and goings, moving forwards and sidestepping will fade over time, too. I wait for the sweetness and sigh to arrive...they'll find their way on the winds of autumn, I just know it.
sending peace.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

prayer flags

Photo courtesy of tyler price
copyright 2009 compass rose/constance price photography

august 26

The buzz in the home hive has kept me from blogging this past week or takes me awhile to process and then process some more all the changes and new ventures/adventure that show up. Transitions can be difficult; good or bad, expected or unexpected, planned or spontaneous, they require reflection and patience on my part. I'll attempt to practice both and see where that takes me.
New topic...
I'd like to address an article I read in Conde Naste Traveler Magazine that misrepresented Reiki and several other modalities in a dismissive and condescending manner. The publication physician on staff felt strongly that he should "de-bunk" the myth and value of Reiki yet unfortunately, his sources of information were clearly incorrect and invalid. While I encourage and welcome dialogue regarding complementary therapies, it seems irresponsible for a world-wide publication to misinform its readers. Let's speak openly and truthfully with valid information and experience and allow people to make informed choices about their own self-care. 
Last topic before I go....
I had a chance to read two very different and very interesting books this summer; maybe read them and share your thoughts if you are so inclined..
"The Shamanic Way of the Bee" by Simon Buxton (not sure if its fiction or non-fiction, you decide)
"The Crowning Glory 0f CallaLilly Ponder" by Rebecca Wells (the prolouge is written so beautifully that I hesitated reading the rest for fear of dissappointment!)
sending peace.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

This first week of August arrived amidst a flurry of activity and session of yoga/meditation classes has begun at Living Light Studios and, last weekend, Reiki training for Master level was joyful and enlightening. The students who find their way to our classes are always a gift; thoughtful and brimming with new insight and perspective. We bond as  "perpetual students" and remember together the simplicity and value of Reiki healing.
If you are in the southern NH area, you are aware of the important work provided for the past 20 years by the Sonshine Soup Kitchen in derry. They offer many, many meals to guests in need along with creating a place of integrity and boundless generosity. Check out their website,  to see what's new and needed for this organization. Good people doing good work....
A friend told me when I turned 50 to "try and do one thing each week that scares or challenges you." Sage advice that has remained with me for some time. I have tried to raise my children to live fearlessly and to still be smart when they leap. As they all move onto new places and stages in their lives, I think they might all being doing just is humbling to be their mother and witness. 
On a different note entirely, see the film, Food, Inc. if you have the opportunity...its a reminder of our responsibility to all the residents of this Earth, and that we can be empowered by our knowledge. Our food source, the true source, might be a good place to start.
sending peace